Hair Transplant Scar Restoration
My Scar Restoration treatment can be used to improve the tone and texture of FUE and FUT scars following hair transplant surgery. After hair transplant surgery, the scars can heal to a pale colour (atrophic scar) or raised (hypertrophic scar). Micro-needling will work to generate new melanin and flatten and soften raised scar tissue. The scar to be treated should be at least 6 months old or fully healed. 1 - 6 sessions are needed on average to complete the treatment. Once complete, the results are permanent. This treatment can be used to prepare the skin for FUE & FUT Camouflage.

Microneedling for Hair Transplant Scars
Micro-needling (skin needling) is a skin rejuvenation treatment used to improve the appearance and texture of scar tissue. Micro needling works by creating targeted trauma to the scarred areas of skin with micro-punctures. The controlled trauma activates the bodies natural healing response which helps to break down old scar tissue and stimulate fresh new collagen and elastin production. Micro-needling will work to flatten raised scar tissue. This treatment will also stimulate new melanin production within the skin which will further help to blend the scarred areas with the surrounding healthy skin tone, which can often heal white or silver after hair transplant surgery.
Book your free consultation with Chloe
Scar Treatment Clinic Locations:
15 Bridgwater Ct, Oldmixon Cres, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 9AY
150 Aztec W, Bristol, BS32 4UB